I know by now you are wondering what is killing the ANTS? Is it the animal ANTS or some kind of mystery that needs an answer? The answer is NO. ANTS is an abbreviation that stands for AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.
Basically, People tend to believe whatever their minds tell them. Did you know that your thoughts can lie and that lies can make you feel sad, insecure, and incapable? They can get in your way of personal and spiritual growth.
Ideally, there are four (4) simple strategies to gain control of your thoughts and kill the ANTS.
Seek the company of positive people
We have always thought that what we read or watch influences the way that we behave or think, but we have never thought about how the people we are with really influence our way of thinking. Our circle of friends. Our circle influences our thinking a lot so we have to be with people who inspire us positively.
Don’t chase perfection
But sometimes our mission of achieving perfection makes us think negatively. Perfection means perfect physique, perfect look, perfect clothes, perfect voice, perfect accent, and so on.
We have to admit that certain things are out of our control, just like we can’t do anything about the color of our eyes, and the shape of our face. So, thinking negatively and trying to change things not in our control is a waste of energy and time.
Express gratitude
Be grateful for everything you have. Sometimes in our life, we are ignoring ninety-nine percent of the good things and just worry about the one percent of bad things. Every day, we must look at the bright side of life.
Use affirmation
It’s a fact that whatever we do or say daily becomes part of our subconscious mind. If we say good things to ourselves even in bad situations, it will turn the situation around. So, we must make a habit of using positive affirmations to feed positive energy to our minds.