Your brain is involved in everything you do and everything you are, including how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how well you get along with other people. Your brain is the organ behind your intelligence, character, personality, and every single decision you make.
It is your brain that manages your money and helps you succeed at work. And it is your brain that pushes you away from the table, telling you that you have had enough (or that gives you permission to have the third bowl of ice cream). Yet, most people never really think about their brains, which is a huge mistake, because success in anything you do starts with a healthy brain.
Why not join us in our brain programs, where we will teach and challenge you to create a brain-smart business which is based on eight (8) very simple concepts. We will also take you through the four circles of brain health, which are as follows:
Biological: how your physical body functions (body)
Psychological: developmental issues and how you think (mind)
Social: social support and your current life situation (connections)
Spiritual: your sense of meaning and purpose (spirit)