Anxiety 101

Anxiety 101

Do you find yourself unnecessarily worrying about irrelevant issues? Has it become so much a part of your life that you’ve forgotten what it’s like to NOT be anxious?

If you’re having trouble understanding your anxiety – the roots, causes, symptoms, and triggers – then this webinar, Anxiety 101, on Wednesday, July 13th at 11:30 am GMT could be for you!!


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (or 18.1% of the population) every year. For the most part, they are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.

So WHY are people not seeking treatment for these preventable conditions?

As every person’s anxiety can stem from different root issues, it can be quite difficult to diagnose and then know how best to carry out treatment. The key to gaining control of your anxiety is first to gain an understanding of it – why is it manifesting in your life as it is and how you can begin to combat it.

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