September 27, 2021 2021-10-26 16:44CYW
I hear the sound of Transformation!!
Do you want to take your corporate Values off the wall and put them into the hearts and minds of people? What if there was a way to change the culture of of your organisation, a school system, the government or an entire nation?
I know a way!
As a GPS specialist, I employ the RoundTable Methodology (licensed by GPS) in
R -Recognising and
R-Reinforcing Values
Transformation begins with Leaders and allows them to communicate their company purpose and mission on a daily basis.
Individuals, small groups and businesses may use our effective methodology to bring abouth the much desired transformation.
To learn more, book an appointment for a free introductory session.
The world is a far more difficult place to exist in more than ever before. We are surrounded by violence, extremism, corruption , poverty, family breakdown and hopelessness. But why doesnt somebody do something ?!
The good news is that somebody can. YOU can be the change you want to see in the world AROUND YOU.
John Maxwell and Rob Hoskins have spent their lives as catalysts for change a step at a time, a little at a time.
I am a proud and priviledged member of this world movement called CHANGE YOUR WORLD.
So whether you are leading a large organisation , running a small business , going to School , volunteering your time or raising a family, I invite you to join my Transformation Tables for free.
If you change your world, you can help others change their world, together we will begin to change the world.