Personal Development


It’s the end of the year already and a new year is about to set in. In this post, I share 5 things you should do before the New year.  
1. Take a day off

Spend your day off wisely. Do an annual review. As you decide to go about your day wisely, you will feel refreshed and energized and you will feel ready for the new year. Do it for you.
I am going out of town for a personal prayer retreat to charge my spiritual “batteries”
If you are in Ghana, there are quite a few places you can stay if you wish to leave home. And it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg! 


2. Get rid of clutter before the New Year

Physical clutter really adds up to the mental clutter. Try to get rid of all physical clutter before the New Year and let the New only year be about fresh things and fresh possibilities. 
This year, I donated a whole lot of stuff to a charity bazaar to help raise funds for an orphanage.  Here are some things to declutter before the New Year. 
  • Your purse
  • Your pantry
  • Your screenshots
  • Emails
  • Old food items in your fridge
  • Old Bills
  • Old makeup you’re no longer using
  • Old clothes
  • Files
  • And anything you no longer need



3. Reflect on your year

An annual self-reflection practice is a must before the new year. It brings clarity for the year that went by and focus for the year that is going to come. You come to know what lessons you learned in the year, what you need to let go of, and what you want to take forward in the next year.


4. Create a New Year Plan

Another thing to do before the New year is to create a New Year Plan.  Sign up for our free program  New Year, New You HERE.
 Here is a list of things to include in your New Year Plan. 
  •  Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Personal Growth  


5. Give forgiveness to those who hurt you

As important as it is to finish all pending tasks, clear out your dues, and clear out your old clothes and other physical things, more important it is to clear out your heart from all hurt, grudges and negative feelings. 

Source. Pinterest   

Click to sign up for our free program;  New Year, New You HERE.

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