Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies.
It’s sad, but true…
Even when we think we’re doing all the right things, our subconscious can sneak out and undo some of our best plans.As a result, if we don’t first get control of our deeply-rooted urges and addictions to past behaviours, creating our dreams can be a lot like trying to control a bull in a china shop. Not an easy task, right?
So, if you feel like you’ve been sabotaging your own success, and can’t quite figure out exactly why or how it’s happening, try these 4 simple but effective steps.
Shifting years of negative self-talk to positive self-talk is A LOT easier said than done, and requires you to reprogram your entire mind…but you can do it.
Even if you think that you’re not that critical of yourself, you might be surprised. Most of the time, we’re unaware of the unconscious dialogue that goes on in our minds.
Here are some tricks you can use to boost positive self-thought:
Practice positive affirmation – “I deserve to be happy,” “everything happens for a reason,” “I trust my intuition” and “I am worthy of love” are all excellent places to start. Repeat these phrases to yourself when you sense yourself spiraling.
When you do something you’re proud of, dwell on it a little, relish the experience. It’s not narcissistic. It’s an act of self-care. If you confronted your boss and finally asked for that promotion, give yourself props, that took guts!
Being aware of your accomplishments will boost your mood and make you more self-sufficient.
If we’re waiting for people around us to congratulate us on our self-worth and self-esteem, we’ve given away a key to our own happiness, because the thoughts, opinions, and beliefs of others are outside our control.
Surround yourself with people who are also doing their best to fight against habits of self-sabotage. If your goal is to start creating more healthy habits, but most of your friends don’t have a problem sitting around every night eating takeout, find a buddy to go to the gym with.